On 25 October 2022, Singapore announced that it would raise its national climate target to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 as part of our Long-Term Low-Emissions Development Strategy (LEDS). We will also reduce emissions to around 60 MtCO2e in 2030 after peaking emissions earlier, as part of our revised 2030 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Singapore submitted an addendum to the LEDS and the revised 2030 NDC to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 2022.
In 2009, Singapore pledged to reduce our emissions by 16% below BAU levels by 2020 ahead of the Copenhagen Summit. Singapore has achieved this pledge with a 32% reduction below BAU levels in 2020.
Given Singapore’s national circumstances — we are a resource-constrained and alternative energy-disadvantaged city-state — these are ambitious targets. We are committed to doing our part as a responsible member of the international community. Our ability to fulfil our pledges, like all Parties, will depend on the continued international commitment by Parties to the Paris Agreement and their climate pledges. The targets will also be contingent on the maturity of decarbonisation technologies and effective international cooperation.
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