The City of Benicia requires all businesses operating within the City limits to obtain a business license and pay business license tax prior to commencing business operations.
The easiest and fastest way to apply for a new business license or renew your current license is using the online filing method. To begin, simply click on the "start now" button located on the right of this page. From the main menu please select the “apply” option to submit a new application for your business. Alternatively, you may download a copy of the business license application directly from the helpful forms section of this website.
Your home water report. Get your full list of recommended actions and see:
With this system you can view your account history, make a one-time payment, sign up for Auto-Pay and eBill. You can make payments using your VISA, MasterCard or e-Check.
With our online Permit Center, you can submit, track, communicate and pay for your permits all online.
Permit Center services are available for the following departments:The City of Benicia Parks & Community Services Department is excited to provide this new registration service to our community. ActiveNet gives you the flexibility of recreation program registration 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Due to course prerequisites, some courses are not available for Online Registration.
If this is an Emergency please call 911. The Benicia Police Department is proud to provide this online service. This online citizen police report system allows you to submit a report immediately and print a copy of the police report for free.
The City of Benicia now provides the audio simulcast of the City's police and fire dispatch radio traffic.
With this system you can:
The City of Benicia is pleased to offer a free e-mail subscription service through our contractor GovDelivery. This service allows visitors to the City's web site to receive notifications by e-mail when certain new information is available.
You can watch a simulcast of Comcast Channel 27/AT&T U-verse Channel 99 on the internet.
Meetings are arranged by date, with the most recent at the top of the list. Click Video to listen to the meeting and view agenda documents, or Agenda or Minutes to see just the documents. You can also search the archives by typing keywords into the Search box.
Walk-In Hours for City Hall and Finance Department: Monday – Thursday from: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm and alternating Fridays
City Hall Phone and Appointment Hours: Monday - Thursday from: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm and alternating Fridays