Phonetic transcription sentences exercises with answers

Click 'Show the next word' to start practice. Then click the IPA symbols to transcribe the given word. Once you've added all sounds, check your answer. If you want to change your input, click 'Reset the answer' to start afresh. Click 'Show the next word' to proceed with the task. You can also get the correct answer if you click 'Show correct answer'.

RP phonemes with examples
Vowels Consonants
i: meet sea relieve
i only
ɪ bit clip bin
ʊ look put
u: moon shoe rude
e bed eleven head
ə again mother obedient
ɜ: bird purple her
ɔ: all war pour
æ apple van
ʌ cup luck flood
ɑ: car bath heart
ɒ doctor long wand
ɪə beer severe fear
eə bear air rare
əʊ boat nose loaf
out mouse crowd
ʊə poor pure
eɪ great plate face
aɪ my buy ice
ɔɪ boy deploy oyster
p pet stop
f free enough
t top street
θ thesis breath
b bad grab
v savage vet
d door mad
ð this weather
chocolate chat
s passport sea
ʃ she cash
k character kick
jeans badge
z zoo possess
ʒ rouge television
g green ghost
h hair withhold
m mat family
n pen nice
ŋ king singing
r read merit
l late clean
w water awake
j yes mute

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