
Tri County Community Action proudly offers the PPL OnTrack Program to provide essential energy assistance to income-qualified households with an active PPL account. We're here to ensure that you can access the support you need to maintain your electricity services.

OnTrack Walk-In Hours of Operation:

Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

We are not open for walk-in service on Fridays.

Please note that our walk-in service is not available on Fridays. Walk-in visitors will be guided through the OnTrack application process and asked to provide proof of income.

Wondering what constitutes proof of income? Click the button below to view examples of acceptable documents.

Struggling to Cover Electric Costs? Discover OnTrack

If you find it challenging to pay the full cost of your electric service on a limited income, OnTrack is your solution. This specialized payment plan is exclusively for PPL Electric customers with limited income (see income table below).

Benefits of enrolling in the PPL OnTrack Program include:

Apply with Ease:

You can apply online or download the application in English or Spanish using the links below. Additionally, physical applications are available at our TCCA locations.

Please Note: The benefits and continued enrollment in the PPL OnTrack Repayment Program depend on making on-time monthly payments and adhering to all policies and procedures, which will be provided to you upon enrollment.

Or, download the application below:
Application Instructions
Instructions for Completing the Application's PPL OnTrack Payment Program

1. Please list your name as it appears on your electric bill. Enter your PPL Electric account number, your phone number, and a secondary phone number (if applicable). Put an email address (if applicable). Tell us how you would like to receive information about this Ontrack app. 2. Check the box for employment status for the head of the household. 3. Provide the name, age, source of income, and amount for each household member. If a household member has no income, check the No Income box. Attach copies of all proof of income to this application. (example: pay stub, eligibility letter, income tax return) 4. You could receive free air conditioning! Provide basic information about your property and review eligibility. 5. List the amount you pay for mortgage, rent, or subsidized housing/Section 8. Select the type and amount paid for primary heat source and list the amount of monthly expenses. 6. Sign and date the application.

Instrucciones para completar el programa de pago PPL OnTrack de la aplicación

1. Indique su nombre como aparece en su factura de electricidad. Ingrese su número de cuenta de PPL Electric, su número de teléfono y un número de teléfono secundario (si corresponde). Ponga una dirección de correo electrónico (si corresponde). Díganos cómo le gustaría recibir información sobre esta aplicación OnTrack 2. Marque la casilla de la situación laboral para la cabeza de la familia. 3. Proporcione el nombre, la edad, el origen de los ingresos y la cantidad de cada miembro del hogar. Si un miembro del hogar no tiene ingresos, marque la casilla Sin ingresos. Adjunte copias de todas las pruebas de ingresos familiares a esta solicitud.
(Ejemplo: recibo de pago, carta de elegibilidad, declaración de impuestos sobre la renta) 4. ¡Podría tener climatización gratuita! Proporcione información básica sobre su propiedad y revisaremos la elegibilidad. 5. Enumere la cantidad que paga por hipoteca, alquiler o vivienda
subsidiada/Sección 8. Seleccione el tipo y la cantidad pagado por la fuente primaria de calor y enumere el monto de los gastos mensuales. 6. Firme y feche la solicitud.

Do I Qualify for OnTrack?

Check the income table below to determine if you qualify for OnTrack assistance based on your household size and income.

Members of household Maximum Income
1 $21,870
2 $29,580
3 $37,290
4 $45,000
5 $52,710
6 $60,420
7 $68,130
8 $75,840
For Additional Members Add $7,710 each additional person

Security Deposit Waiver

We also offer a security deposit waiver for new or existing PPL utility customers. Customers must meet income guidelines to be considered for a waiver (up to 250% of FPIG). To request a security deposit waiver, please get in touch with PPL Utilities directly at 1-800-DIAL-PPL (800-342-5775).

Find the TCCA Agency Near You

Our offices are conveniently located in Cumberland, Dauphin, and Perry Counties. Contact any TCCA agency for further assistance by emailing pplontrack@cactricounty.org or calling (717) 232-9757.