Brendan Casey's hydraulics blog – THE source for how-to and money-saving information on hydraulics and pneumatics

How To Troubleshoot Hydraulic Cylinder Drift

Posted on 16 June 2015 by Brendan Casey

A popular misconception about hydraulic cylinders is that if the piston seal is leaking, the cylinder will drift down. Fact is, if the piston seal is completely removed from a double-acting hydraulic cylinder, the cylinder is completely filled with oil and its ports are plugged, the cylinder will hold its load indefinitely – unless the rod-seal leaks.

What happens under these conditions – due to the unequal volume either side of the piston, is fluid pressure equalizes and the cylinder becomes hydraulically locked. Once this occurs, the only way the cylinder can move is if fluid escapes from the cylinder via the rod seal or its ports. Watch this 8-minute video to understand how this happens.

If you grasp the theory at work here, you’ll probably realize there are a couple of exceptions. The first is a double-rod cylinder – where volume is equal on both sides of the piston. And the second is when a load is hanging on a double-acting cylinder. In this arrangement, the volume of pressurized fluid on the rod side can be easily accommodated on the piston side.

This is not quite the end of the story though, but it’s important to at least grasp this theory before we move on. Notwithstanding the two exceptions mentioned above, if a double-acting cylinder’s service ports are blocked – by a closed-to-actuator or cylinder spool and the piston seal does bypass, pressure will eventually equalize on both sides of the cylinder. As already stated, at this point a hydraulic lock is effected and no further creep can occur – unless fluid is allowed to escape from the cylinder or the cylinder circuit.

But because of the loss in effective area – due to pressure now acting on the rod-side annulus area, the static pressure in the cylinder must increase to support the same load. For example, if the load-induced pressure on the piston side of the cylinder was 2,000 PSI and zero on the rod side when the DCV closed, assuming no leakage past the spool, the equalized pressure may be 3,000 PSI – depending on the ratio of the areas.

But what if this circuit has a service port relief valve set at 2,500 PSI? As pressure starts to equalize across the piston seal and the increasing static pressure on the piston side of the cylinder reaches the cracking pressure of the port relief, the cylinder WILL creep down.

So while the root cause of the problem IS the leaking piston seal, the physics that applies is fundamentally different to what many people believe. And if you understand the theory, you can see how the humble pressure gauge can be extremely useful when troubleshooting cylinder drift.

Bottom line: if you don’t understand the physics involved, costly troubleshooting mistakes can be made. And to discover six other costly mistakes you want to be sure to avoid with your hydraulic equipment, get “Six Costly Mistakes Most Hydraulics Users Make… And How You Can Avoid Them!” available for FREE download here.

This entry was posted in HydraulicSupermarket by Brendan Casey. Bookmark the permalink.

8 thoughts on “ How To Troubleshoot Hydraulic Cylinder Drift ”

Vishwas Bharathi on 4 March 2019 at 3:00 pm said:

I have a question. Let’s say there is some leak across spool in the CV as there is no zero leak arrangement. Now my question is:
Will the creep increase if there is across seal leak? There will be some flow across piston and some flow leaking thro control valve. Further, the leak across the CV itself may increase due to pressure intensification. Assume the pressure intensification does not trigger the port relief valve

Brendan Casey on 5 March 2019 at 9:12 am said:

Vishwas, this is possible, depending on circuit set-up and spool type. We know that leakage across an orifice (or any other leak path) increases with pressure.

Mike on 7 March 2021 at 6:03 am said:

I have well used 4 wheel drive backhoe and I get drift on all rams on the backhoe in the back do to valve leakage. Would it work to install a double acting pilot check valve or will that cause chattering?

Brendan Casey on 8 March 2021 at 11:32 am said: Hi Mike, That will likely cause chattering UMESH L KURI on 5 July 2021 at 10:32 pm said: nice and simple explanation

Would this also apply when a pair of cylinders are used to lift a load and the circuit has regenaration between the DCV and the cylinder ports?

Brendan Casey on 18 June 2022 at 4:12 pm said: Yes it would Alice Carroll on 14 August 2023 at 9:49 pm said:

Thanks for the tip about how I should also try to get some pressure tests done when planning to get hydraulic cylinder repairs. I plan to find a good repair service like that because my truck needs to get restored very soon. It will be used for a new business venture that I will be starting late this year.