Making a Complaint to the Law Society about Your Lawyer or Paralegal (Update in Progress)

The Law Society of Ontario (LSO) has the authority to deal with a range of professional conduct matters relating to lawyers and licensed paralegals in Ontario. For example, they can deal with issues relating to a lawyer or paralegal’s failure to reply to communications; failure to report on a transaction; delay; misleading, rude and discriminatory behaviour and failure to account for or improper handling of money.

They can also deal with other issues relating to the service, ethics and honesty of lawyers and paralegals. The type of complaint you wish to make will determine what you need to do to make your complaint.

If you are having a problem, try to speak directly to your lawyer or paralegal before you make a formal complaint. You may be able to resolve a misunderstanding or discuss a concern your lawyer or paralegal may not have known about. Having someone else come with you or putting your complaint in writing can make this easier. If your lawyer or paralegal works for a firm you can also discuss your complaint with a senior member of the firm.

If talking to your lawyer or paralegal does not work then you can make a complaint to the Law Society of Ontario. If you have a legal aid lawyer, you should make your complaint to Legal Aid Ontario (see the article Making a Complaint to Legal Aid). You should make your complaint to the appropriate organization as soon as possible.

Will the Law Society hear my complaint?

The Law Society can only deal with complaints regarding a lawyer or paralegal who is licensed to work in Ontario. The Law Society has the authority to regulate Ontario’s lawyers and licensed paralegals under the Law Society Act. They can help with those matters that are within their legal authority. However, they cannot help with every possible kind of complaint.

Once they receive your written complaint, the Law Society will review it and determine if the problem is something they can help you with. If they cannot help with a complaint, they will tell you and try to give you information about other sources of help for dealing with your problem or concern.

There are services beyond the Law Society that are better equipped to deal with certain types complaints. The following is a list of concerns and the alternative services they should be directed to:


The Law Society does not have direct control over lawyers from other provinces temporarily working in Ontario or foreign legal consultants licensed by the Law Society to provide information about their home country. If your lawyer falls within one of these categories you can still make a complaint to the Law Society. The Law Society will pass this complaint to the regulating body in your lawyer’s home territory.


The Law Society does not license paralegals who work in aboriginal courts, the Office of the Worker’s Adviser and those who work in-house for a single employer. If your paralegal falls within one of these categories you can still make a complaint to the Law Society. This complaint will be passed to the paralegal’s employer. If your paralegal is also the employer, the Law Society will directly notify the paralegal about the complaint. The review process for paralegals is very similar to the process for lawyers and the following information applies to both professions.

How do I make a complaint to the Law Society?

If you want to make a complaint to the Law Society you must:

  1. Complete a complaint form. These forms are available on the Law Society website. You can also request a paper copy by contacting the Law Society using the information provided at the end of this article.
    The Law Society prefers the form to be completed by the person directly affected by the conduct of the complaint. If someone else fills out the form on her behalf the Law Society may require the person directly affected to sign an authorization form to proceed with the complaint.
  2. Make sure you provide all the important information. Providing the following information will help the Law Society deal with your complaint:
  3. Send the signed Complaint Form to the Law Society – Sign the completed form, attach copies of relevant documents and fax or mail the information to the Law Society. The Law Society’s contact information is provided at the end of this article.

Is there a time limit for making a complaint?

There is no time limit on making a complaint. However, you should make your complaint as soon as possible. If you wait too long to make a complaint, the evidence (proof) needed to investigate your complaint may no longer be available or reliable and the Law Society may not proceed with the complaint.

What happens after I make a complaint?

The Law Society will send you a letter to confirm that they have received your complaint. Law Society staff will then carefully review and evaluate your complaint. Law Society staff will likely ask you to answer some questions and provide them with certain documents and other information related to your case. In most cases, to fairly deal with the complaint, the Law Society will have to inform and share information with the lawyer or paralegal who is the subject of the complaint. This may involve providing the lawyer/paralegal with copies of documents and identifying the sources of the information.

The Law Society staff deals with most of the complaints by providing guidance on client service to lawyers and paralegals. A small number of complaints concerning serious issues may result in a formal prosecution, discipline hearing and penalty. Throughout this process the Law Society will provide you with information about the progress and outcome of your complaint. They will tell you what is happening with your complaint, including:

If the Law Society cannot help with a complaint, they will try to give you information about other sources of help for dealing with your problem or concerns. For example, the Law Society cannot intervene with ongoing legal proceedings, force a lawyer to remain on a case or reduce legal fees. If you believe you are being charged too much (see below), the law society can direct you to the Assessment Office of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice.

If you are not happy with the outcome of your complaint after it has been closed you can ask the Complaints Resolution Commissioner to review the Law Society’s decision. The Office of the Complaints Resolution Commissioner operates independently from the Law Society and will perform an impartial review.

Complaints about Discrimination and Harassment

If you believe your lawyer or paralegal has discriminated against you on the basis of your race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, same-sex partnership status, age, marital status, family status, or disability, you should contact the Discrimination and Harassment Counsel (DHC) program. The DHC is funded by the Law Society but operates independently. All complaints made to the DHC are kept confidential. There is no fee for the DHC’s services, which include helping you:

The DHC is unable to investigate complaints. However, they can facilitate mediation to resolve your complaint. Mediation is an assisted form of negotiation between parties. Your lawyer or paralegal must voluntarily agree to participate in the mediation process. You can either meet with your lawyer or paralegal face-to-face or have an individual meeting with the DHC.

Contact information for the DHC program is available at the end of this article.

What if I do not agree with my lawyer’s bill?

Complaints about a Lawyer’s Bill

If you are concerned that you were billed too much, the first step is to get a detailed bill from your lawyer. This will show you how each cost is broken down. If you have not received a bill, contact your lawyer to request one. If you have difficulty getting a bill from your lawyer, the Complaints Services department of the Law Society may be able to help you. You can submit your complaint in writing using the Complaint Form (described above).

As with other complaints, it can be helpful to talk to your lawyer directly before making a formal complaint about your bill. Your lawyer or someone in your lawyer’s office can tell you exactly what your lawyer did in your case and how long it took. If you tell the lawyer why you feel the bill is too high, in some cases, your lawyer may be willing to reduce the account.

However, if you think a lawyer has charged you too much for legal services and talking with your lawyer has not worked, you can contact the Assessment Office of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. The Assessment Office is an official of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. An Assessment Officer will review your lawyer’s bill and determine if it is fair. In their review the Assessment Officer may consider:

If the Assessment Officer finds the bill is too high he may reduce it.

You have 30 days from the time your lawyer sent you the bill to go to the Assessment Office to start the assessment process. If you are later than 30 days, you will have to ask a judge for permission to start the assessment process. The judge can only give you permission if you have good reasons for being late. If the judge grants the assessment, you will have to appear back before the Assessment Office to complete the process.

Submitting a Lawyer’s Bill for Assessment

There are three steps in the assessment process. You will have to get a date for the assessment, serve your lawyer the notice of the appointment and finally you have to attend the hearing.

Notice of Appointment

To obtain the notice of appointment you must go to the Assessment Office with the original copy of your lawyer’s bill and four extra copies. You will be given an appointment for a hearing. Note that there is a fee to submit bills for assessment, and if the assessment is outside the 30 day deadline the charge will be more. If you cannot afford to pay this fee then fee waiver forms are available online and can be submitted anytime throughout the assessment process. Information and fee waiver forms are available online, or in person at the court office.

Serve the papers on your lawyer

You must then make sure your lawyer gets a copy of the notice of appointment. You can hire someone to deliver the notice to your lawyer or deliver it yourself. If you deliver the notice of appointment yourself have someone in the office sign and date the documents you keep so that you can prove the notice was delivered. If no one will sign your copies of the documents, you will have to prepare what is called an “affidavit of service”. This affidavit is a sworn statement indicating who you left the copies with, the date and location. This document must be sworn by a Commissioner of Oaths. Blank forms are included in the materials you receive from the Assessment Office when you get a Notice of Appointment.

The assessment hearing

You will attend an assessment hearing where you may represent yourself or have a lawyer represent you. You and your lawyer will both have a chance to talk to the Assessment Officer who will determine if the bill is fair and reasonable. Unless the case is very long or complex the Assessment Officer’s decision will be given at the hearing.


Mediation services are also available from the Court Office when both the lawyer and client consent. This can help both parties come to an agreement regarding legal bills without having to go to a formal hearing. Experienced Assessment Officers conduct the mediations and it can take place at any stage of the assessment hearing process. There is no additional court fee for this service.

Complaints about a paralegal’s bill

As with other complaints, it can be helpful to talk directly to your paralegal before making a formal complaint about your bill.

The first step to complaining about a paralegal’s bill is to obtain a detailed bill. This will show you how each cost is broken down. You can then discuss your concerns about the bill with your paralegal.

If your complaint is not dealt with by talking to your paralegal you can bring a claim to Small Claims Court. Currently, Small Claims Court can only hear cases for claims of $25,000 or less. Further information about Small Claims Court is available through the Ministry of the Attorney General. To access this information you can visit the following website or by using the contact information for the Ministry of the Attorney General available at the end of this article.

Contact Information

The Law Society of Ontario

Mailing address
The Law Society of Ontario
Osgoode Hall, 130 Queen Street West
Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N6

Toll-free: 1-800-268-7568
General line: 416-947-3310
TTY: 416-644-4886
Fax: 416-947-5263

Complaints Resolution Commissioner

Mailing Address
Stindar Lal
Osgoode Hall
130 Queen St W
Toronto Ontario M5H 2N6

Telephone: 416-947-3945
Fax: 416-947-3945

The Discrimination and Harassment Counsel Program

General Inquiries
Toll Free Telephone: 1-877-790-2200
Toll Free Facsimile: 1-877-398-1100
E-mail: [email protected]

Ministry of the Attorney General

Mailing address:
McMurtry-Scott Building
720 Bay Street, 11th Floor
Toronto Ontario, M7A 2S9

General Inquiries
Telephone toll free: 1-800-518-7901
Telephone Toronto: 416-326-2220
Fax: 416-326-4007
E-mail: [email protected]

Legal Aid Ontario

Mailing Address
Legal Aid Ontario- Complaints Department
40 Dundas St. West – Suite 200
Toronto Ontario, M5G 2H1

General Inquiries
Phone: (416) 204-7104
Toll Free: 1-866-874-9786
Fax: (416) 204-4718
E-mail: [email protected]